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Soul Tattooz is a consciousness explorer place to look for signs you can understand and accept.
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From Our Gallery

Mon - Fri 9.00 - 17.00 Sunday CLOSED


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Dr. Bruce Lipton – The Biology of Belief

Genes rule us…Is it really true?

As human beings, we believe (according to what science told us) that our health, who we are, our life and our future are dictated by our genes. We got them from our parents, we will pass them on and we have to live with their effects.

But what if we are not victims of our genetics? What if we can actually change our biology through pure belief?

Until recently, the conventional idea was that we are ruled by our genes. The genes were supposedly the brain of the cell, and without them the cells would die. However, recent studies show that when the genes are removed from the cell, continues to function properly for over two months.

Genes are not the brain of the cell and genes do not suffer mutations by accident

As dr. Bruce Lipton explains, this means that the genes are not the brain of the cell and even more, that the humanity misunderstood the way biology works.

Even more than this, research shows that our genes are influenced by external factors, such as the chemicals and the hormones that we have in our body as well as. Now for the first time in the history, we understand that genes don’t suffer mutations by accident,
but as a consequence of our thoughts.

“I was exhilarated by the new realization that I could change the character of my life by changing my beliefs. I was instantly energized because I realized that there was a science-based path that would take me from my job as a perennial “victim” to my new position as “co-creator” of my destiny. (Prologue, xv)” ― Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D.

We adjust our genes according to the environment we think we live in.

What does this mean? We all have a different perception over the world. We see things differently, depending on our background and our knowledge and we create thoughts based on what we think is true. However, if we manage to voluntarily change our perception of the world we are able to adjust our genes. When our perception changes, our brain releases a different set of chemicals that have a different impact on our DNA.

Beliefs = 95% subconscious, 5% conscious

It sounds easy, but it’s not. About 95% of what we do, what we believe and how we see the world comes from our subconscious, and only 5% from our conscious mind. Most of the information that we stored in our subconscious comes from what we saw, felt and heard as children, between zero and 7 years of age. We did not have any filter for this information, and it’s all there, regardless if it’s good or bad.

We all know how much small children and toddlers are criticized, so there’s no wonder that a big part of our subconscious is filled with negative feelings, unworthy thoughts and the idea that we need to “think small” and “settle down”.

Can you remove these from your subconscious?

Yes, with a lot of hard work and access to knowledge and accurate information.

Once you are able to change your perception of the world and to have positive, authentic emotions instead of negative ones, you can slowly start changing who you are and how you feel only with the power of your mind.

The only condition? You have to believe.

In the moment you truly and honestly believe that you are healthy, your genes start changing and your health improves. When you believe that you have a good night sleep, your insomnia starts to fade away and you are able to take the rest that you desperately need.

Of course, the entire process is much more complex, but in the end the result is the same: you discover a new part of your life, you understand more on what you really want and you explore the endless power of the human mind.

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