Your body is the perfect mirror of your subconscious, don’t ignore it. According to Dr. Bradley Nelson, all the physical symptoms are explained by and related to certain emotions....
While this might seem too good to be true for many people, Dr. Dispenza experienced first-hand the ability of the body to recover without any external help....
What are the things that make you truly happy? How can you find your purpose and live a fulfilled life independently of what others think? While these are complicated questions, Dr. Wayne Dyer puts...
Even though most of the people never heard of Royal Rife, he was a brilliant American, highly honoured scientist who discovered successfully a cure for cancer in the early 1930s. Unfortunately all his knowledge...
All physicians should be practitioners of “holistic medicine” in the sense that they recognize the interaction between mind and body. To leave the emotional dimension out of the study of health and illness is...
Dr. John Sarno was Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine and his most remarkable achievement is the development, diagnosis, and treatment of tension myoneural syndrome (TMS). TMS is a harmless condition caused by repressed emotions and...
This book is the first really detailed book looking into all kinds of issues and providing much detail on emotional causes for health issues. It goes in detail about different aspects of the subconscious...