Epigenetics give us the chance to understand that we are not victims of our genetics, and that we have the ability to control our body in ways that we did not think as possible....
What are the things that make you truly happy? How can you find your purpose and live a fulfilled life independently of what others think? While these are complicated questions, Dr. Wayne Dyer puts...
Earthing or grounding is vital for the human wellbeing and survival. The documentary is an eye opening one, especially for the people who suffered tremendously from pain and chronic illness....
Even though most of the people never heard of Royal Rife, he was a brilliant American, highly honoured scientist who discovered successfully a cure for cancer in the early 1930s. Unfortunately all his knowledge...
Don has a simple and to the point message for the people: to confidently take care of themselves without the need of toxic drugs and invasive procedures. Self Care is about normal people like...
The stimulation of the Vagus Nerve has as consequences: immediate stress release, inflammation reduced dramatically, considerably help in reducing depression....
Dr. John Sarno was Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine and his most remarkable achievement is the development, diagnosis, and treatment of tension myoneural syndrome (TMS). TMS is a harmless condition caused by repressed emotions and...
E-Motion is a factual documentary that explores how human emotions affect the physiology of the human body. A team of wholistic experts from around the world share their wisdom and negative emotion clearing methods...
A video which will totally change your understanding about genes and how our perception about life crucially influence our quality of life experiences....