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Soul Tattooz is a consciousness explorer place to look for signs you can understand and accept.
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Don Tolman and Self-Care

Don Tolman is one of the main characters from the documentary E-motion and is called “The Indiana Jones of Wholefoods“, because of his extensive research regarding natural food. He went around the globe in search of an ancient sacred meal and visited not less than 33 countries across the globe as a young adult, inspired by a story he had heard as an 8 year old boy.

Don Tolman wanted to find out very precisely  how it was possible that many ancient cultures lived long lives,  no needing medical intervention, because they were disease-free. His conclusions are that the ancient cultures lived in symbiosis with the nature, understanding its principles and laws.

In the body, the energy comes from air, water, sunshine, whole plant foods, movement, pleasure, and even passion. Tolman, Don. Farmacist Desk Reference Volume 3 . BookMasters. Kindle Edition.

He is a strong advocate for eating healthy, unprocessed food and is standing against the whole business like environment which is the fundament of the “modern medicine“. The rapid decline of the health of the population on a global level raises up many questions, especially in the super-industrialised countries where the people are spending less and less time in the nature and consuming more and more processed, man-made food. The medical system fails to be a “health care” system and is more and more a “sick care” one.

Don Tolman helped countless people who were just abandoned without solutions by the medical system and guided them back to full health using the principles of Self Care.

Plant whole foods contain nutritional components and fibers as well as fluids that are all ELECTRICAL and are in patters of frequency the intestines operate at full force with. In modern society it is estimated that for 80% - 90% of people have diets that are approximately 90% electrically dead to the frequencies of the digestive system. For this reason, 90% of all human disease originates in the digestive tract - fermented foods and drinks have the most easily usable and identifiable electric force. Every culture, tribe and community of people through out all time of the human experience have used fermented foods and drinks to maintain long life and a state of being disease free. Naturally fermented beers and wines (without todays synthetic chemicals and artificial ingredients that some have) are some of the best things we can have in our diets to maintain the electric force called LIFE. Tolman, Don. Farmacist Desk Reference Volume 3 . BookMasters. Kindle Edition.
I am sick and tired of so-called “doctors” their pockets stuffed with “Big Pharma Drug Lord ‘perks’, handing out prescription drugs like Halloween candy. They think they’re giving you a quick and easy fix for what ails you, but they’re really gambling with your life – they are poisoning you! They are so quick to write you a prescription and move on to the next patient – lets be honest the next fee- that they don’t consider the potentially deadly ‘side’ effects. In truth ‘side’ effects is simply a “marketing spin” to make you feel safe. There are no side effects; just effects. Every drug (medicine) mediSIN… is an experiment, because it’s never been in your body. But, your doctor wont tell you that… wanna know why? Because that was not a memorized pre-selected answer he/she had to memorize to put in blanks on an exam when in the “factory school” he/she attended. Tolman, Don. Farmacist Desk Reference Volume 3 . BookMasters. Kindle Edition.

Don Tolman on Health Care

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