Welcome to Soul tattooz

Soul Tattooz is a consciousness explorer place to look for signs you can understand and accept.
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Monday - Friday 09:00AM - 17:00PM
Saturday - Sunday CLOSED
From Our Gallery

Mon - Fri 9.00 - 17.00 Sunday CLOSED


826 Home Street, Bronx, New York


Grounded – healing inflammation and chronic disease

After watching this documentary my whole perspective related to walking bare foot outside changed. Due to the fear of the ticks from the grass, which transmit several severe illnesses, I avoided walking without shoes outside, except the walks on the beach.

The makers of this documentary are worth of the warmest congratulations for the simple and understandable way they put together the stories of ordinary people who have benefited from earthing or grounding. Along with those experiences there are obvious endorsements from scientific and environmental pioneers such as Dr. David Suzuki.

One of the biggest tragedies the modern man experiences, is that he lost almost completely the connection to the earth and to the nature. The importance of this connection is underlined in the documentary, together with simple and efficient ways of staying grounded. People need to be grounded, in order to have an overall improvement together with better sleep, diminished levels of stress and reduced illness symptoms.

The Grounded movie tells the true tale of an Alaskan wildlife filmmaker's persistent curiosity and quest to test the claims of what appears to be an outrageously simple and ``too good to be true`` healing concept - physical, bare skin contact with the Earth - which may have been known by civilizations throughout history. - Film description

The human body needs electrons

Every  single thing which happens in the body is involving some kind of change in the distribution of electrons. Electrons move in response to any wave they encounter…natural or man-made. Magnetic waves, electrical waves, light, sound, wifi radiations, radio waves, etc.  are waves which can be beneficial for the human body or harmful.

Due to the way most of the people are living their lives in the modern society, a tendency to accumulate excessive positive charge was already in the attention of the scientists.  Several studies indicate that excessive positive charge is associated with inflammation and chronic illnesses.

The earth generates negatively charged free electrons which are needed to counterbalance the positively charged electrons in the human body.

In order to live a healthy life a person should have daily contact with the earth, either by walking bare feet or by using earthing sheets, pads or shoes.

Grounded - the documentary movie

If you want to stay grounded and heal, check how your subconscious is running your life, what trapped emotions and negative beliefs keep you stuck and unhealthy!

Book your session NOW!

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